The Madcap Misadventures of Mustafa is a clown show written and performed by Mustafa Alabssi and directed by Cirque du Soleil clown, Mooky McGuinty. He arrives in Canada with a suitcase, with no knowledge of American Sign Language, and no education. What’s a clown to do?
Show Times:
Friday, June 17 at 7:00pm (with Talk-Back)
Saturday, June 18 at 2:00pm (with Talk-Back) & 7:00pm
Sunday, June 19 at 2:00pm (with Talk-Back)
The Madcap Misadventures of Mustafa funders and community partners:
SPECIAL THANKS Allard Thomas, Anaquod Videography, Andrew Manera, Barkers Trophies Awards and Gifts, Big Muddy Crafts and Gifts, Bill DeRosier, Blue Rooster Cafe, Carla Pieracci, Christine Heenan, Dawn Birley, Gary Robertson, George Heuck, Globe Theatre, Greg Enion, Jeff Beaton, Joanne Hawkes, Landon Krentz, Lexi Rennebohm, Mason Roth, Prairie Puppet Underground, Rileys, Savita Thakker, Shashikala Jachak, and the University of Regina Theatre Department